In Space Incident, a seemingly normal mission turns into a nightmare when an unexpected incident occurs on board. The ship sustains damage, its resources diminish, and an increasing number of strange signs emerge. Besides technical failures, you need to decipher strange signals from an unknown source. As the commander, players need to find out the cause, manage resources, and protect their crew from unexpected threats. Space is quiet, but danger is always lurking. Are you ready? Survival is in your hands!
In Space Incident, players will transform into AI characters. Gamer mission is to lead the crew through a series of dangerous challenges after the spaceship encounters a serious problem. Player's will need to repair vital systems, gather essential resources, and make strategic decisions to deal with threats from harsh environments and strange phenomena. Simultaneously, you will have to make crucial decisions to combat unforeseen dangers, ranging from resource shortages to alien threats. Discover secrets, fight off threats, and ensure everyone survives, all of which are your essential responsibilities on this journey!
How to control
Use the mouse to play.